Breathwork and different breathing techniques are methods used to reduce stress, anxiety and tension in the body.
The techniques helps to free you from deep-seated subconscious, repressed emotions that are getting in your way.
Breathwork contributes to increased well-being, self-awareness, enjoyment of life and personal development.
The theories behind are based on the idea that we can influence our nervous system by regulating and alternating our breathing in order to achieve greater well-being.
Scientifically there are several mechanisms through which liberating breathing can affect our body and mind.

Jarno Kinnunen
During a challenging period in his life in 2017, Jarno began searching for more balance in his life.
What had been reality and his way of doing things in life for many years was gone and no longer worked.
Now it was time to go outside the box…
In the search for a more sustainable existence, he dived in and tried various practices for physical and mental balance and well-being.
The first thing he fell into was a beginner’s course in kundalini yoga. It was held in an apartment in Guldheden in Gothenburg. There were 5 participants and a fantastic teacher. Kundaliniyoga made a huge impact on him and this practice is very close to his heart.
During that time, a series of coincidences led him to in to a tantra workshop in Gothenburg.
The discovery of Tantra made him really start the inner expansion… He realized that there are several paths one can take in this life!
Through tantra he then found Breathwork which had a profound positive impact on life, energy, creativity and his mental, emotional and physical state.
He realized that by cultivating and harmonizing his energies, he could improve his focus, creativity and overall well-being.
Sharing this discovery and these techniques with others has become a mission and passion for him.
Jarno’s facilitation is characterized by his grounded, balanced, strong, permissive, and soft masculine presence, creating a place of safety and trust for you as a client or participant to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and healing.
Unlocking the potential of your vitality and energy for a more fulfilling and vibrant life.
Jarno is based in Sweden, the Gothenburg region, where he holds Breathwork group sessions and offers individual Breathwork and bodywork sessions. He is also one of the teachers at Smrati Skog´s “Tantric Breathwork training”.
He holds couples courses and retreats and a one year Tantric training for couples called “Sacred Union” with his partner Paula Nygren at
He also facilitates breathwork and workshops at festivals and retreats in various locations around the world. Can be booked at
If you are curious about more of Jarno, have thoughts, questions or creative ideas?
Contact Jarno at
Individual sessions are booked through the links on the top of the page.
If you can’t find a suitable time? Send an email.
Effects on the nervous system
Our breathing affects the autonomic nervous system, which regulates our body’s functions without us having to consciously control them.
This nervous system has two main components: the sympathetic nervous system, which is active during stress and fight-or-flight situations, and the parasympathetic nervous system, which is active during rest and recovery.
Deep breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous system, leading to a feeling of relaxation and calm.
Reducing stress hormones
By using different breathing techniques, we can reduce the levels of stress hormones, such as cortisol and adrenaline. This can help reduce the physical and psychological stress we feel.
Increased oxygen intake
Breathwork often involves deep and conscious breathing, which leads to an increased supply of oxygen to the body. This helps the body’s cells and organs work more efficiently and can reduce feelings of fatigue and mental fog.
Improved blood circulation
By regulating and altering our breathing in different ways, we can affect our blood circulation, including increasing blood flow to our muscles and organs. This can help reduce muscle tension and promote relaxation.
Influence on brain activity
Research shows that breathing techniques, meditation and mindfulness affects brain activity.
By regulating your breathing can increase activity in areas of the brain associated with relaxation and well-being, while decreasing activity in areas linked to stress and anxiety.
Calendar – Upcoming events!
New Level and Lust in Life
Stockholm Tantra Festival 14-16 feb 2025
✨Join us for the Stockholm Tantra Festival. A whole weekend of buzzing atmosphere, inspiring workshops, heart-opening live music, and ecstatic dance surrounded by our inclusive and nurturing community.✨
💖This time we only have 250 exclusive tickets💖
Let this festival inspire you to ✨Let your heart glow!✨
Sacred Union – Tantric pleasure (Malmö) 22. Feb
A day just for you and your loved one. A day where you can experience even greater closeness, love, energy and desire! Now Lust in Life & "Sacred Union- tantra […]
Malmö, 211 20 Sweden
Tantric Breathwork Training Modul 5 “Sexual Energy”
Welcome to a transformative training in Gothenburg!This is a mix of breathwork, dearmouring and tantric practices that make up an intuitive and deep process into the body, mind and soul.
Göteborg, Västra Götaland 415 27 Sverige
Sacred Union – A Love Boost (Göteborg)
En dag bara för dig och din älskade. En dag där ni kan uppleva ännu större närhet, kärlek, energi och lust! Nu kör vi äntligen en pardag i Göteborg igen! […]
Göteborg, Sweden
Göteborg Tantra Festival
A warm welcome to Gothenburg Tantra Festival! This is a festival where you can experience deepening, heart-warming meetings with yourself and others. Tantra is presence, embodiment, breathing, spirituality, energy and […]
Göteborg, Sweden
Tantric Breathwork Training modul 6 “Meditation”
Welcome to a transformative training in Gothenburg!This is a mix of breathwork, dearmouring and tantric practices that make up an intuitive and deep process into the body, mind and soul.
Göteborg, Västra Götaland 415 27 Sverige
Retreat: “INTO THE DEEP” 23-25 may 2025 at HIMLADAL
We have the pleasure of inviting you once again to a deep dive into your inner self, and to dare to relate authentically from that place. This time a whole […]
Seglora, Västra Götaland 515 93 Sweden
Sacred Union – Weekend Retreat – “Unity and Sexmagic”
Welcome to a enjoyable tantric journey together with your partner. This weekend retreat will be filled tantric magical experiences. We deepen the visions of the relationship and practice how to […]
Vessigebro, Västra Götaland 310 58 Sverige
Tantramour festival FRANCE
An exceptional event NEAR MONTPELLIER IN THE SOUTH OF FRANCE Live a unique experience in a magnificent and authentic setting in the heart of nature. DISCOVER, VIBRATE, TRANSFORM + 80 […]
Breathwork sessions in groups or 1-1

Are there risks with breathing?
The term and breathwork include many different breathing techniques.
Breathing, taking air into the lungs and body, is vital for us. Practicing breathwork can be beneficial for many people.
However, there are some situations where it may be best to avoid or use caution with these techniques:
Pregnant women & children
Pregnant women should be careful with certain breathing techniques, especially if they are inexperienced with them or if they have not received advice from a qualified instructor. Some techniques can affect blood flow and pressure in the body, which can affect the fetus.
Breathwork techniques can be difficult for younger children to understand and execute correctly. Children should use simpler breathing techniques and be supervised by an adult.
People with breathing problems
If you suffer from breathing problems, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or asthma, you should avoid breathing techniques that can cause shortness of breath or worsen existing problems. Consult your doctor before trying any new breathing exercises.
People with cardiovascular problems
If you have heart problems, high blood pressure or other cardiovascular diseases, you should be careful with certain breathing techniques, especially those that can increase heart rate and blood pressure. Consult your doctor before.
People with mental illnesses
If you suffer from a serious mental illness, such as panic disorder or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), certain breathing techniques can trigger or worsen symptoms. You should always consult a psychologist or psychiatrist before using these techniques.
Under certain medical conditions
If you have any medical conditions that may be adversely affected by altered breathing, such as certain neurological diseases. You should always consult your doctor before trying release breathing.